Important ways to optimize your life during COVID-19
Do you feel like your life has drastically changed since COVID-19 began? Are you feeling frustrated, sad or even somewhat hopeless? If so, look no further because we’ve got you covered! Rather than feeling frustrated because of these difficult circumstances, use this time wisely to improve your life. Below we have compiled a list of our favorite recommendations to help you get out of your funk and feel better!
2. Organize and clean your house! This is one thing that is so easy to procrastinate on, but the difference between a clean and messy closet is incredible. You can take your time on this process. Start small - begin with your closet, then finish up your bedroom. After these two are complete you can do the kitchen and then other remaining parts of the house that need some TLC. Once everything is clean, you will feel like an entirely new person! Check out some of these videos and organizing tips from our vlogger friend Brittany Vasseur.
3. Get into a healthy workout routine! It’s extremely easy to feel lazy after being stuck in the house for a long time. Working out is a great way to feel productive. Also, the feeling after a workout is so awesome. Just ask Outdoor Voices founder Ty Haney -- endorphins are real! You don’t need an intense workout every single day. You can simply just go on a power walk or do a yoga class in your yard. Our favorite type of workout is the Popsugar Videos because they are so fun. We also LOVE Kayla Itsines No Equipment HIIT routines. Whichever workout you choose, make sure to keep up with it to feel better every day!
Regardless of what you do, you must never forget to take care of yourself. This is a very hard situation that everyone is facing but we can either take care of ourselves or watch ourselves crumble. We are certain that these tips can help you feel somewhat normal again. Now go clean your closet, go for a power walk and give yourself that at-home facial!
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